There are so many ways you can be a part of supporting our families that are currently fostering and adopting!  ONE way is to GIVE!!  We want to help you do this!  Let’s first acknowledge a few facts.  Yes, some foster families do get a stipend from the government.  If you are a kinship foster family, however, this means you had a prior relationship with the children and are able to take the children into your home in somewhat of an emergency situation. You do not get funding until you complete all training.  This can mean months of supporting additional children all on your own.  The other traditional foster homes do not get that stipend until after the first month.  While this stipend is helpful, it does not cover the multiple needs most children have when placed in a home.  Most children come into States custody without much more than the clothes they are wearing.  Bringing a new child into one’s home can come with a lot of material needs.  Groceries, clothing, beds, bedding, diapers, formula, and childcare are just a few things that many families need instantly when that new child is placed with them.  YOU CAN HELP!  WE ALL can make a difference!

4343 N Flood Ave
Norman, OK 73069